Koenji Hyakkei - Dhorimvishka
Like Rob Reed's Sanctuary project, Koenji Hyakkei makes an entire career out of copying the style of only one artist. Only, in this case, that artist is Magma and the style is Zeuhl, hyperkinetic operatic free-jazz in gobbledigook, designed to sound like it came from another planet. It's the ultimate acquired taste, but there's a certain beauty to it. Magma's K.A. (2004) still frequently finds its way into my MP3 player.
Leave it to Japan to take a weird European thing and make it weirder. Koenji Hyakkei takes the Zeuhl ball and runs with it further than Magma ever did. The result is a glorious, indescribable mess. Once the ears are accustomed to the seemingly unbridled chaos, this whole trip turns out to be a tightly controlled, highly melodic, frequently funky and utterly virtuoso affair.
Playing Koenji Hyakkei to my friends is sure to raise some eyebrows, which of course pleases me immensely. Unlike Magma, Koenji Hyakkei rarely slows down or takes a break, so this breakneck dash through Cloudcukooland seems daunting and exhausting. But stick with it and you'll be richly rewarded with some of the craziest, most mind-blowing music around.
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