vrijdag 27 oktober 2017

The Ten Most Underrated Genesis Songs

So, after last week's Worst of Genesis list – which stirred up some nice controversies among the ever-squabbling Genesis fans – I thought of doing a best of list to go along with it. But I realized I probably have the same favourite songs as everybody else: The Musical Box, Firth of Fifth, Supper's Ready, Entangled, One For The Vine, The Cinema Show… You know the ones.

Maybe it would be more interesting to make a list of songs that are less obvious. Songs that are, for whatever reson, not often discussed by fans. Songs that may have been dismissed by the band or the fans. Songs that my have gotten overshadowed by the more well-known ones. Songs that weren't even on the main albums, or were rarely or never played live. Songs that are, nevertheless, worth our time.

There's many factors that can make a song count as “underrated”, and who knows, maybe you don't think of any of these tracks as “underrated” at all. But here's some songs that are not often thought of as the band's best or most famous, but that I still really like.

As always, feel free to have your own opinion, but let's keep things civil.

donderdag 26 oktober 2017

The Ten Worst Genesis Songs

Genesis are a band very close to my heart. I have listen to all their albums and songs countless times and their massive body of work forever remains a source of wonder and delight. In addition, I will readily devour any books, sites, annotated files, podcasts and interviews concerning Genesis. I am by no means unique in this regard.

But no band can be completely perfect all of the time and for all their countless spectacular career highs – from their mind-melting prog rock days to their stadium-filling pop days – there were some moments when they missed the mark. Sometimes by an inch, sometimes by a mile.

There is something to be gained, I think, in looking at some of the lesser moments from a band you love. It makes those many great moments stand out all the more. Also, as generally agreed upon by the Internet as a whole, negativity is fun!

So today, I will count down my personal Bottom 10 of worst Genesis songs. You might not agree with any or all songs on this list. That's fine. I've included the songs in question, so you can make up your own mind. Everyone has an opinion. Mine just happens to be right.

On that note, I'm Niels and welcome to Prog-Rama, my outlet for any writings related to progressive rock music.